Thursday, October 17, 2013

Opening new routes

We're always looking to find that special trip, something that hits the bucket list of every person who comes to Guatemala. The must do, must see and for us at Old Town, must ride.

We've certainly found our version if it! There's a sweet cross country ride from the cobblestone streets of colonial Antigua to the amazingly picturesque blue waters of Lake Atitlan. Not to mention all the views, culture and glory lines in between.

Called the Atitlan XC this ride takes two or three days depending on how hard and long you want to go. We hit all our favorite pieces of trail in between and add as much highlands culture to the mix as possible.

Much of the ride passes through places that most tourist will never get to see or if they do at all it's from the inside of a turismo van. This ride gets you out there in the "real" Guatemalan outback crossing ravines the Maya have been hiking across for hundreds of years.

The ride is a mix of terrain. Anything from sweet technical single track to jeep track and a bit of pavement. There's a bunch of up and down, some long tough climbs but to crest over the rim and see Lake Atitlan for the first time and then drop in in some of Guatemala's sweetest trail seems to equalize all the effort it took to get there.

If you're looking for something unique and have a few days to spend in the back country get in touch with us at the shop and let us show you the goods.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tis the season

The rains have stopped and the trials are open for business and better than ever!

We fight through the rainy season because we are cyclist and to be a cyclist here in Guatemala means that you have to ride during the rainy season too.

 However, every year about this time, just as you are about at your wits end with muddy bikes, rutted trails and soggy shoes the clouds break and the sun comes out.  The days are crisp and warm and afternoons turn gloriously golden and the temps start to give way to evening.

This is when the single-track in Guatemala is just right.  The trails are technical, tacky and everything is green.  Now we drop the wet lube for dry, leave the rain coats behind and  get out as much as possible.  You shouldnt take my word for how nice it is though, grab your steed and head down to Guatemala and join us on the trail.